
When designing, we have to consider the people, history and society. We, the creatures of the earth, often ‘like’ nature because of its simplicity. The formation of nature that we experience is simple as well. Allah – SWT, created everything in this world with a rule, a system that has it’s own law.

Now regarding the low-rise project, we wanted to create a system a rule of nature. Therefore, we went with the technique of Fractal method. Fractal technique is a method that the unit element repeats itself within itself; no ending. Now, Fractal is seen almost everywhere in nature, human bodies, etc.

After many trials of different Fractal patterns, we came down to one pattern, of nature, that we have actually witnessed on our site visit, which is seashell.

Fibonacci Pattern:

The Fractal pattern of seashell is under the ‘Golden principle’, which consists of ‘ Fibonacci Pattern’, which will have it’s own equation as well.
The Fibonacci sequence is possibly the most simple recurrence relation occurring in nature. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89, 144… each number equals the sum of the two numbers before it, and the difference of the two numbers succeeding it. It is an infinite sequence, which goes on forever as it develops.



To form the shape on the land, the lines of the outer part have been offset to create the enclosed space of the seashell and more division of the rectangular spaces were created based on the midpoint of the bigger circle and the inner part of the seashell division was dependent on the smaller circle – Image below – which helped to set our ‘God’s eye’ theory of ‘Fibonacci Pattern’ and form the water hub that has also followed the Fibonacci shape.


Offset of the lines creating our main road within the island – primary and secondary (In the picture seen is primary – in black, further offset within the subdivisions are the secondary roads)

The sub-division lines are either water paths or secondary roads (In yellow)

Model of the district